
Monday, March 1, 2010

Walking and Intervals

Four routines to walking off 1o lbs (they say in a month, i'll say 6 weeks).

1) Walk for 45 minutes at a steady pace. 4mph 4.5mph. If you feel like you can do some sprints, I'd throw a few in. A minute one every 5 minutes?

2) Hills. Walk on the flat for 15 minutes, then do hill intervals.

3) Small intervals. This one is similar to the first routine. Walk at your normal pace with more increase speeds. Or add a few more one minute sprints.

2) Steady Pace for 15 minutes. Up the hill for 10 minutes. Hill and flat intervals for 15 minutes. I suggest to get your heart rate up for one last big push. Do 30 second or 45 second sprints with a 30 second walk for the last 5 minutes. Cool down for 5 minutes. Total Time: 50 minutes.

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