
Sunday, September 30, 2012


man - ratatouille dinner was such a good idea! Simple and healthy!

With a few items in the fridge, I made a great Ratatouille.

First I heated up a little olive oil and through in some chopped onions. While that was cookin', I chopped up the other veggies I had - Eggplant. Zucchini, asparagus, and mushrooms! Cut them into medium pieces and threw them in the pot. I unfortunately did not have any tomatoes which would have made the yummy sauce, but luckily, I did have a bottle of tomato juice! It worked just as well.

So I let that cook, simmer, as you will. I spiced it up by putting alot of hot sauce into the pot with some red chili flakes and some black pepper - and a pinch of salt.

Whaalaaa! Dinner is served!

Friday, September 21, 2012


I just started Crossfit and I absolutely love it.
I just refound this blog I never began - I should probably begin. *my arms are sore, and im trying to eat so this is hard*

Updating soon I hope!